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System Sensor SMK400EAP-IV Surface Mount Kit for Opal Detectors
Numéro d'article ADI #:SMK400EAP-IV Modèle #: SMK400EAP-IV Nom: System Sensor SMK400EAP-IV Surface Mount Kit for Opal Detectors
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
The SMK400EAP(-IV) Surface Mounting Adaptor Kit allows the B501AP Intelligent detector base to be surface mounted when the ceiling construction prevents the use of conventional recessed metal electrical junction boxes.
This kit consists of the following parts:
1 - Plastic Surface Mount Adaptor 2 - Screws (Ø4 x 12 mm)
Categorie : Produits, Accessoires incendie, Dispositifs de montage, Incendie