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System Sensor 6500-SMK Beam Detector Surface Mount
Numéro d'article ADI #:6500-SMK Modèle #: 6500-SMK Nom: System Sensor 6500-SMK Beam Detector Surface Mount
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
The multi-mount kit allows any of the 6500 range of beam detectors to be mounted to either a wall or the ceiling. It is designed to create an additional alignment range in cases where the detector and reflector cannot be mounted within 10° alignment of each other. The kit includes the hardware necessary to mount either a single transmitter/ receiver unit or a single reflector. (To mount the transmitter/receiver, the surface mount kit 6500-SMK is also required). If both the transmitter/receiver and the reflector require additional alignment range, two kits will be needed. The kit is not compatible with the long-range reflector kit.
Categorie : Accessoires incendie, Incendie, Produits, Dispositifs de montage