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Detectortesters SOLOA5-001 Test Smoke 250ml Use With Dispenser Flam
Numéro d'article ADI #:SOLOA5-001 Modèle #: SOLOA5-001 Nom: Detectortesters SOLOA5-001 Test Smoke 250ml Use With Dispenser Flam
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
Main Features
Simple to use
Fast activation - via Solo 330 dispenser
Rapid clearing
Approved all over the world, our Solo smoke aerosols (used with the Solo 330/332 dispensers) deliver smoke particles to the detector under test replicating the conditions of smoke from a fire. Our range of smoke aerosols has recently increased to allow continued use of our Solo 330/332 dispensers in full compliance with latest regulations.
Categorie : Produits, Incendie, Équipement de test, Testeurs aérosols pour détecteurs