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Get full control over access protection and ensure employees gain fast access with this card reader access device
The proximity technology delivers powerful and heightened security with convenience, affordability, and reliability
An ideal choice for door security
The PRO3200 professional series family of access control modules is designed for high density installations. Supporting up to 16 readers per enclosure and 32 readers per intelligent controller along with up to 100,000 card capacity provides a combination of small installation footprint and superior cost per door ratio.
The PRO22R1 provides I/O support for one card access reader, while the PRO32R2 supports two card access readers. Both interface with the intelligent control module (PRO32IC). In the event that communication to the intelligent control module is lost, the card access readers can be individually configured to allow entrance based on security needs. This customization allows for a door to be configured as locked, unlocked, or access only via valid facility code.
Categorie : Produits, Contrôle d'accès, Centrales, Modules pour contrôleurs