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Numéro d'article ADI #:PVA-15CST Modèle #: X Nom: Bosch Audio PVA-15CST PAVIRO Series Call Station
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
Main Features
Call station with soft touch button for PAVIRO system
15 freely programmable buttons
Customization via built-in display and keys
The PVA-15CST is a call station for the PAVIRO system. As standard, the call station has a gooseneck microphone with pop shield and permanent monitoring, a total of 20 buttons, an illuminated LC display, and an integrated loudspeaker. The call station can be modified to suit the user's requirements by connecting up to five PVA-20CSE call station extensions, each with 20 customizable selection buttons. Other properties:
Five menu/function keys (pre-programmed) - one green or one yellow indicator light per button
15 selection buttons (customizable) - two indicator lights (green/red) per button
Numeric zone selection (can be activated during IRISNet configuration)
Label with transparent covering - the label can be changed at any time
Can be used as a standing or desk/rack flushmounted device
Internal monitoring with error logging - complies with all relevant national and international standards
Easy configuration - use of the Configuration Wizard or IRIS-Net software
Categorie : Produits, Audio pour commerces, Casques, écouteurs et microphones pour professionnels, Audiovisuel professionnel