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Numéro d'article ADI #:WIP210 Modèle #: WIP210 Nom: Comms Gsm/Gprs With IP <(>&<)> Gprs Transmiter
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
Main Features
The most advanced security system with colour video verification
WIFI, Ethernet or GPRS transmission
Bi-directional radio range in 868 MHz European operating frequency
4-years battery life (devices)
Mains power (WPS100) with battery back-up
The W panel is a wireless alarm system which adapts itself to the availability of transmission networks. During an intrusion, the W Panel is able to transmit alarms and videos on the ETHERNET network (and/or optionally Wifi) or GPRS. The W is an IP panel, so no SIM card and monthly charges are required for alarm communication. Wifi also makes the installation easier.
Categorie : Intrusion, Produits, Centrales, Centrales d'alarme et claviers