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CQR SOINT2-WH-HI-LO Soint Series, Multi-Tone Sounder 12V Hi-Lo with Speaker, Indoor Use, White
Numéro d'article ADI #:SOINT2/WH/HI-LO Modèle #: SOINT2/WH/HI-LO Nom: CQR SOINT2-WH-HI-LO Soint Series, Multi-Tone Sounder 12V Hi-Lo with Speaker, Indoor Use, White
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
Main Features
Low profile speaker
Sound output 110dB Hi, 90db Lo @ 1m
Multi tone sounder
Separate inputs for exit time and sound alarm
Tamper protected lid and mounting
Size: 100 x 155 x 48mm
The SOINT2 sounder is supplied in a sleek white low profile louvre-free housing that will blend discreetly into any surrounding. The SOINT2 HI-LO low profile housing contains a multi tone sounder, with separate inputs for exit time and alarm sound.
Categorie : Intrusion, Avertisseurs sonores, Produits, Sirènes et Flashs de sécurité