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C-Tec CFP760 Annunciator Repeater 8 Zone Rptr Panel
Numéro d'article ADI #:CFP760 Modèle #: CFP760 Nom: C-Tec CFP760 Annunciator Repeater 8 Zone Rptr Panel
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
Main Features
Can be used to repeat the functions of a master CFP standard or AlarmSense 2-8 zone fire panel at remote parts of site (e.g. all potential fire service entrances).
Up to 8 repeaters per CFP master.
Includes its own Mains power supply that requires its own standby battery supply.
Provides the user with access to all AL1 and AL2 functions.
Master/Repeater communication achieved using CFP761 network driver cards (one CFP761 is supplied with the Repeater, an additional CF761 card is required at the master CFP).
Communicates over screened two-wire fire resistant cable.
Total repeater network cable length should not exceed 1KM.
Attractive flush or surface mountable plastic lid and enclosure - no bezel required.